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Sun - Solaris & SunOS

  • Solaris
    By Sun Microsystems. Sun Software Site Map.
  • Sun do Brasil
  • Portal BigAdmin
    Portal voltado para a comunidade de administradores de sistemas Sun Solaris, é um Bulletin Board System (BBS) baseado na Web, que permite que administradores de sistemas, gerentes de TI, engenheiros da Sun e outros membros da comunidade Solaris possam ajudar-se mutuamente. FAQs, Documentação, Patches, Software, Comandos de shell, Scripts, Recursos, Serviços e suporte, Educação e treinamento, Discussões.
  • - Freeware for Solaris
    Projeto de software Freeware para Solaris, mantido por Steve Christensen, criado para e patrocinado pela Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    O site é um repositório de softwares de domínio público pre-compilados para os sistemas operacionais Sun Solaris (2.5 em diante), para processadores SPARC e Intel.
    Solaris Freeware Anonymous FTP or Mirror Sites
    Endereço alternativo:
  • The Written Word
    The Written Word provides pre-compiled binaries of Open Source software on Solaris, HP-UX, Compaq Tru64 UNIX, and IRIX and keeps you updated with new releases as they become available through a subscription service.
  • Solaris Package Archive
    By Mark ([email protected]) - MetaLab UNC FTP Archive
    Versões pre-compiladas para Solaris (Sparc e i86pc) de pacotes de software da GNU e outros open-source e freeware.
  • SunHelp Online
    A Meta-FAQ for Sun plus links to many Sun related sites.
    News, reviews, hardware/software links, articles, online man pages, message boards, AnswerBooks, QuickGuides, FAQs, a newsletter, Solaris books, and more. Fully searchable. Both SPARC and x86 information.
  • The Solaris Security FAQ
    By Unix Insider (SunWorld).
  • Everything Solaris
    By the creator of Everything Linux. In the same vein, Everything Solaris aims to provide you with unique and useful content. Articles, reviews, freebies, forum, chat, links, news.
  • Sun Guru
    Tip of the Day, Top Ten, What's Cool, 3rd Party H/W, Books, FAQs, Java/Jini/Jiro, Mailing Lists, Newsgroups, Other Resources, Scripts, Service Providers, Solaris Software, Sun Offices & Resellers, Sun Training Centers, User's Groups.
  • Solaris Webring
  • Solaris UNIX
    Solaris Unix Commands & Scripts for Sun Microsystems.
  • Phil's Solaris hints
    Architecture-neutral, x86 and sparc Solaris hints and scripts. By Philip Brown.
  • Sun Managers Mailing List
    Sunmanagers is a mailing list for people who manage Sun Microsystems workstations and servers. It is not moderated, and its smooth operation depends on the good will and co-operation of its members.
  • Google Directory: Operating Systems Unix: Solaris

BSD - FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD



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