- UNIX Systems
Marca registrada do Open Group.
The Creation of the UNIX Operating System
Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies (AT&T).
Dennis M. Ritchie's Home Page - Several historic technical reports,
anecdotes, and stories from one of the fathers of Unix.
Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
Unix (English):
Overview, History, Standards, Components, Impact,
Free Unix-like operating systems, Branding, Canonical Unix commands,
List of Unixes, Resources.
UNIX System V.
Unix time.
Unix History
Linha do tempo das variantes do Unix, de 1969 até hoje.
POSIX Standards
POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) is a common set of
specifications approved jointly by The Open Group (as The Single UNIX
Specification, Version 3), by IEEE (as IEEE Std 1003.1), and by ISO/IEC
(as ISO/IEC 9945 series).
Part 1: Base Definitions (9945-1), Part 2: System Interfaces (9945-2),
Part 3: Shell and Utilities (9945-3), Part 4: Rationale (9945-4).
The Single UNIX Specification,
Version 3, by The Open Group.
POSIX® 1003.1 Frequently Asked Questions.
IEEE's Portable Application Standards Committee (PASC)
PASC is the group that has and continues to develop the POSIX family of
standards. This site is dedicated to conveying important information
about PASC's activities, and also acts as a repository for PASC-related
information. IEEE Std 1003.1 defines interfaces to open systems,
and IEEE Std 1003.2 defines utilities to open systems
Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Unix Guru Universe - UGU
The Official Home Page for Unix System Administrators
UNIX Information
By Dr. D. J. Bernstein.
Software, Security, reliability, efficiency, Courses,
Filesystem layout, Portability, Miscellany.
Unix and Linux Commands, Information and Help
Additional information and help with UNIX / Linux and variants.
UNIX ABCs, Linux ABCs, DOS vs. Unix, UNIX commands, UNIX Top 10 commands,
UNIX Shortcuts, Linux variants, UNIX variants, UNIX / Linux History,
UNIX / Linux tips, UNIX / Linux links, Linux / Unix news, Linux Q&A.
2-hour Unix
Distinctives of Unix, basic Unix commands, Unix syntax and special files,
remote access, basics of vi, quick UNIX and VI reference sheets.
The information here is specific for users of the Newton Lab at Colorado
University, but the contents are also a good general Unix introduction.
Unix System Administration WebRing
USENIX - The Advanced Computing Systems Association
SAGE - The System Administrators Guild
SAGE is a Special Technical Group (STG) of the USENIX Association.
Root Prompt -- Nothing but Unix
The Unix Programming Resources Page
Home-page do newgroup comp.unix.programmer, mantém o excelente
Unix Programming Frequently Asked Questions.
Unix manual (man) pages in HTML
AIX, FreeBSD, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris & Tru64.
UNIXguide.net Networking: UNIX Socket FAQ.
open.ITworld.com Operating Systems
ITworld.com's collection of Unix news & information,
voltada para administradores e desenvolvedores Unix. By IDG.net.
Endereço ITworld.com.
AIX, Sun Solaris, Compaq Tru64, X Window System, FreeBSD, Workstations,
IRIX, Unix enterprise servers, POSIX standard server OS, SCO UnixWare.
Antigas UNIX Inserder e
SunWorld Online Magazine.
The Unix Acronym List
Também disponível
A Lista Completa em uma única página.
dmoz - Operating Systems - Unix
Links por dmoz Open Directory.
dmoz - Unix History.
Revistas sobre Unix
Livros sobre Unix
- O'Reilly Media
O'Reilly UNIX Center
A mais popular editora de livros sobre UNIX, suas ferramentas
e tecnologias relacionadas: UNIX, Linux, Perl, Java, Web & Internet,
Oracle, Administração de Sistemas e Redes, Segurança,
C/C++, Design & Gráficos.
Eis alguns livros recomendados sobre UNIX. Os três são
de nível intermediário a avançado, isto é,
não são de introdução para iniciantes,
sendo mais úteis para quem já tem alguma familiaridade
com o sistema operacional UNIX.
- UNIX Power Tools (1156 pp. w/CD)
Autores: Shelley Powers, Jerry D. Peek, Tim O'Reilly, Mike Loukides, et. al.
Publisher: O'Reilly Media,
3rd Edition, Outubro 2002
ISBN: 0-596-00330-7.
Edição atualizada após anos de espera (a 2ª era de 1997).
- UNIX Shell Programming (504 pp.)
Autores: Stephen G. Kochan, Patrick H. Wood
Publisher: Sams,
3rd Edition, Fevereiro 2003
O melhor livro de aprendizado de programação shell, em nova edição
após mais de 10 anos (a 2ª, pela Hayden Books, era de 1990!).
- Unix Hints & Hacks (479 pp.)
Autor: Kirk Waingrow
Publisher: Que, Abril 1999
ISBN: 0-7897-1927-4.